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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes 10/17/2011
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
October 17, 2011 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, Jason Doviak, Maureen Fry, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, Joseph O’Keefe, John Ronan, Andrew Soll, and John Walsh

Absent: Jim Rose, Robert McCarthy, and Jason Silva

Guests: Joe Berry & Christopher Penny (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.); Michael Lambert (Division of Capital Asset Management); Karen Cady (Salem State University); Thomas Furey; Teasie Riley-Goggin

  • Fitness and Recreation Center Expansion
  • Executive Vice President Stan Cahill provided the following report from the university:
  • The proposed fitness and recreation center expansion is in a conceptual design phase.
  • Funding will be provided by the Massachusetts State College Business Authority (MSCBA), not from the university’s operating budget. MSCBA funds projects on state university campuses that include residence halls, fields, cafeterias and campus centers.
  • The current center is 2,200 square feet and is located over the pool area. The space is not sufficient to meet the needs of our current student population, nearly 10,000 students.
  • Students took a survey in February that reported over 90% in favor of a new fitness and recreation center.
  • DiMella Schaffer, the company responsible for designing Marsh Hall, has been hired by MSCBA to do the initial design work. The space will be an addition to the existing O’Keefe Center, not a stand-alone facility. At this point the conceptual design provides a first-floor fitness center; two intramural gyms on the second floor; and small spaces for activities such as dance and yoga. The design envisions a glass wall at the entrance that faces the parking lot.
  • The proposed fitness and recreation center is expected to be open approximately 100 hours per week and create student and full-time staff positions. The purpose is to serve Salem State students and will not be open to the public.
  • The addition will also help relieve the overcrowded conditions in the Ellison Campus Center, which was the first campus center to be built on a campus in the state university system.
  • The new addition will not eliminate any parking spots in the O’Keefe lot, with the possible exception of temporary loss during construction.
  • Comments/Questions:
  • Councillor O’Keefe asked about the timeline for the project. – Dr. Cahill responded that the architects are moving forward with the planning and design phase which will be presented to the university board of trustees at the end of November. More information about the timeline will be available for the December SSUNAC meeting.
  • John Walsh asked if the group will consider the flooding in the parking lot. – Dr. Cahill responded that the architects will take all aspects into consideration as the project moves forward.
  • Councillor Ronan asked if this will become the main entrance for the O’Keefe Center. – Dr. Cahill responded that this is something the architects are considering.
  • Jack Hoar asked if the lighting of the field is restricted and if the lighting of the potential glass atrium will be restricted. – Dr. Cahill reported that the field lights are scheduled to go off shortly after 11 p.m. when all intramural activity on the field has ceased. The glass wall for the fitness and recreation center is still conceptual, and lighting will be considered as the design moves forward. Marcia Lambert noted that the field lights have not been on this late until this year. Neighbors are concerned about noise and lights coming from the field late at night. The university will report back on the field lights policy.
  • Councillor Furey commended the university for considering this project. He stated that it is an exciting opportunity and that the university is an asset to the community.
  • Library/Learning Commons
  • Blasting of the ledge that was part of the foundation excavation is complete. The process went smoothly without incident.
  • Concrete placements
  • The first two major concrete foundation pours are complete. There were no issues with traffic or concerns reported to the university.
  • The third and final pour is scheduled for mid-November and will move forward as planned.
  • Comments/Concerns from SSUNAC
  • Jack Hoar noted that he watched the work and was impressed by the management and the organization during the  process.
  • Councillor O’Keefe, Councillor Ronan, and Maureen Fry reported that they received no complaints related to the two completed pours.
  • Solar Photovoltaic Panels on the O’Keefe Center
  • The replacement of the roof over the Multipurpose and Twohig Gymnasiums is progressing smoothly.
  • Adria Leach reported that those who attended community day seemed pleased with the offerings. She added that the attendance was between 50 and 70 guests. The university’s hope is to have a better-attended event next fall and will have more lead time to advertise the event to the greater community.
  • Marsh Hall Rooftop Equipment
  • The fact that the contractor added additional sound attenuation equipment to an exhaust unit on the Marsh Hall roof and that neighbors noticed improvement was reported at the September meeting. This issue will be considered closed and removed from the agenda.
  • HVAC System at Central Campus Classroom Building Update
  • Andrew Soll reported that the mechanical shop discovered a malfunctioning controller in the damper on the Classroom Building. They are waiting for a part so that it can be repaired but have propped the louvers open in the meantime to eliminate the noise that the Eugenios were hearing.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study Update
  • This issue will be reported on in the November meeting.
  • Off-Campus Parking Update
  • Campus Police issued at least a dozen tickets since the start of the new enforcement program. The department has also been vigilant in responding to calls from the neighbors.
  • University officers have the authority to write tickets but not tow. However, they can contact Salem Police if a tow is necessary.
  • All fees collected go to the city of Salem.
  • Councillor Ronan reported that all handicapped fees collected will now go to the Commission on Disabilities.
  • Tobacco Free Campus
  • Dr. Cahill reported that cards, flyers and announcements have gone out to students regarding smoking and good neighbor behavior. He also stated that starting today, the 7 am – 3 pm and the 3 pm – 11 pm campus police shifts will periodically patrol the bike path and move groups of smokers along, handing them cards about being a good neighbor.
  • Councillor Ronan and Dr. Cahill agreed that the bike path area is of greatest concern with this initiative.
  • Beth Bower recommended that the group monitor how the police presence helps the situation and how the weather may reduce the smoking activity.
  • Councillor O’Keefe requested that the university be in touch with a Horace Mann teacher who reached out to him about this issue. The university agreed to respond.
  • Off-Campus Activity
  • Councillor Ronan reported that the past weekend was bad for Hazel Street, and that they believed Salem State athletes live in one of the houses.
  • Beth Bower reported about a meeting she, Adria Leach, Shawn Newton and Sgt. Harry Rocheville had the previous week so that she could update SSUNAC on the progress of this situation. She reported that seven disorderly house letters were sent to property owners and several other properties are being monitored for possible identification as a disorderly house; eight students have been arrested for disturbing the peace or alcohol related incidents; three criminal complaint applications have been submitted for alcohol related events; and 15 city ordinance violations for “hosting a loud party” have been distributed.
  • Marcia Lambert distributed copies of a letter to the editor from the Salem News regarding neighborhood disturbances. Ms. Bower asked if Charles Street has improved as she was curious if the three instances she heard about Charles Street, including the article, revolved around one incident or a continuous problem. She also relayed that the Salem Police Department reported that they have not received any calls about activity on Charles Street. Ms. Lambert will check with her neighbors regarding the frequency of their concerns.
  • Ms. Bower reported that the Salem Police informed the university that this year’s number of reports is similar to years past and that as of last Thursday Associate Dean Newton had not seen any repeat offenders this year. She also relayed that the police further informed the university that 9 Naples Road has received several calls and visits from the police, but that there was no activity when the police arrived at the residence.
  • Jason Doviak stated that he will work with Shawn Newton on student issues involving student athletes. He added that these students are often held at a higher standard and sanctions can be taken against their athletic pursuits if warranted.
  • Teasie Riley-Goggin asked if the university would consider buying and running a Dunkin Donuts franchise with proceeds going to the university. – Andrew Soll responded that the university has a contract for all food service and that our current Dunkin Donuts kiosk is managed by our catering vendor.
  • John Walsh asked if a trashcan could be placed on the university’s property near the back of the O’Keefe Center on Broadway. – The university will look into this request.
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall
  • The next meeting will be on Monday, November 21, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.